On the other hand, I would never use something like this for younger students, for fear of falling. I had more students than I can count simply fall out of a regular chair….I would be terrified for little ones, but they are not the target audience.
I would love to have a room full of these desks and stools for a high school or upper elementary classroom to test out to find out the opinions of teachers and students, not to mention administrators and parents. Students could stand or sit whenever they want, and I love the foot rest. I am one who just can’t sit with both feet on the floor by choice!
Take a look at the Stand2Learn website
What do you think? Pros, Cons?
Michele Klumb says
Funny you should mention the younger elementary students. We’ve found that the younger children will more often then not want to remove their stool from their desk area. They’d simply rather stand! If only I still had that much energy to burn!! Thanks for taking a STAND for improving student’s health! Our latest research also documents a 15% increase in engagement time over seated desks.
Our desk design is researched based. Due to our published research on the improved health benefits of having a standing option for students, some federal grant monies can be used to purchase our desk! Email me at michele.klumb@stand2learn.com for a list of potential options.
Penny says
Thanks Michele. I mentioned younger students because as you said, they do like to stand. It is much easier on the school budget to utilize the current student desks for younger students since the student and desk are approximately the same height 🙂