I am getting requests from more and more companies asking for statistics for Penniless Teacher blog and Facebook. This is a GOOD thing!
In order for it to be better and for you to benefit more, I need you all to help. Please make a habit of “liking” the item posted to Facebook, and click the link that takes you to the blog. Doing those two simple steps will provide valuable stats necessary to bring you more from companies important to you. Of course, comment and sharing count too and we LOVE comments and .
Do this for every blogger you follow, not just Penniless Teacher. The more stats we can pull together to provide demographics, the more YOU will benefit. I cannot tell you how important you are in this process, after all, we blog because you read and participate! Share us with your friends too.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being a part of Penniless Teacher!
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