What one item do most people associate with school? The pencil! Pencils are the writing instrument of choice for students. The clever folks at X-ACTO just released the X-ACTO Sharpen Your Skills Scholarship. Keep reading, there is a teacher part in this.
$10,000 Scholarships will be awarded for each grade group below:
- Grades 1-5
- Grades 6-8
- Grades 9-12
“Students must upload a photo that shows how pencils play a role in helping them achieve their goals. This could be a picture that they drew, a story they wrote, a song they composed, whatever form of self-expression suits the student best.” Then complete a 50 word or less description for why they submitted the photo.
Students who enter the name of their teachers are entering the teacher to win one of FIVE $1,000 cash prizes. Winners will be selected at random.
What better way to get students writing than to submit a photo and a short essay. They could win a great scholarship and YOU could win for encouraging them to enter.
WAIT, there’s more.
For every student entering the Sharpen Your Skills Scholarship, X-ACTO will donate one school supply product to the Kids in Need Foundation to help students in economically challenged schools!
Share this with your school administration to include in the school newsletter. Encourage your fellow staff members to include the information in their individual classroom newsletters. Better yet, turn the Sharpen Your Skills Scholarship into an assignment! Maybe even a school wide contest!
Guarantee that if one of your students win, you will be the SUPER-HERO we already know you are to that student (and the parents)! Teachers ROCK! Virtual high-five to each of you!
X-ACTO Rocks with this Sharpen Your Skills Scholarship providing funding for a higher education to compliment the K-12 education teachers provide! This is one LOADED Scholarship helping in so many educational areas!
Entries must be submitted by 11:59pm ET on Sept 30, 2014
X-ACTO is rewarding Penniless Teacher fans (aka classroom teachers) with something sharp for your classroom. TWO classroom teachers will win an X-ACTO electric pencil sharpener!
See, told ya X-ACTO ROCKS!
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