Generally, individuals outside of education just don’t understand the sense of accomplishment I feel through teachers. I hear from a few of you when you win giveaways or contests, but would love to hear from each of you EVERY single time you win or are awarded something that you entered because you saw it posted here on Penniless Teacher.
Last month, I posted about the White House Teacher Appreciation Social (#WHSocial) to be held at THE WHITE HOUSE–yep, the one and only in our great nation.
The old adage, you can’t win if you don’t enter holds true! Of the thousands of applications, reader/blogger Cindy Price entered because she found the opportunity posted on Penniless Teacher. Cindy was one of the select twenty teachers chosen for an AMAZING opportunity.
You know how you just HAVE to tell everyone you know about something that happened that is just SUPER COOL? I was that way when Cindy let me know about her selection. You would think I had won by the excitement I felt and displayed.
That, ladies and gentlemen is why Penniless Teacher is here! Did I earn anything, monetarily speaking? NO! However, I do feel the excitement, joy, awe, and inspiration that you feel.
Please, please, please, let me know when you win…..that truly keeps me researching and posting! Drop me an email, Message me on Facebook or Twitter, leave a comment, tag me….I really want to know! If I were to create a form you could fill out quickly, would that make it easier?
Read Cindy’s adventure on her blog, Mrs. Price’s Kindergators by clicking the image below!
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