I have been under the assumption that most schools are now equipped with white boards….pretty sure that assumption is totally WRONGO!
I’ve seen more comments than I can count from teachers needing equipment that all schools in my area all have.
This giveaway is perfect for those teachers who do not have a white board.
Ochimp is giving away a Quartet Magnetic Dry Erase Board, Porcelain, 48 X 36, with a beautiful Mahogany Frame. (Retail $418.93).
No ending date is given, but I have asked.
Thank you for sharing our contest. We love teachers, in fact our Chief Chimp used to be one! Unfortunately, we too receive many comments from teachers who don’t have the supplies they need in their classrooms.
One of the ways we like to give is through donorschoose.org. We also run contests like this every couple of weeks and have more whiteboards to give away! We’ll be sure to let you know about the next one.
The Quartet 2544M Whiteboard Giveaway ends on Wendesday, May 8th, 2013 at midnight (PST).