If you could purchase anything (under $500) on the Friends Business Source website, what would you choose and why?
Those are the questions teachers need to answer to apply for the W.R.I.T.E. Program. We Reward Innovative Teaching Endeavors (W.R.I.T.E) program will reward teacher entrants with the following prizes.
Grand Prize–$500 in school and classroom supplies
First Place–$300 in school and classroom supplies
Second Place–$200 in school and classroom supplies
$100 in school and classroom supplies
All you have to do is complete the application creating a 500 – 1500 word essay on the topic of :If I had [these products from Friends Business Source], I could do [THIS] in my classroom with my students.
You got this! Don’t wait, create that essay and submit before Feb 14, 2015
ENTER this Teacher Contest HERE
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