Check in at Walgreens on FourSquare and share your check-in on Twitter to enter. Entry also by checking in on FourSquare and a text BTS to 21525 (you will receive a confirming “thank you”)or USPS. Donation of 5¢ made to Kids In Need Foundation for each check-in.
One entry per day.
USPS directions (I’m copying and pasting from official rules)
To enter the Sweepstakes via postal mail, a nominator must obtain a postcard (no larger than 5” x 7”), enclose it in a business size (#10) envelope and legibly handprint the following information: first name, last name, complete home address (no P.O. Boxes), telephone number (including area code), email address (optional) and date of birth (“Entry Information”). Thereafter, nominators must mail the envelope with proper postage affixed to: Walgreen’s Back-To-School Check-In for the Chance to Win Sweepstakes, P.O. Box 6429, Burbank, CA 91510 (“Mail Entry”). Mail Entries must be postmarked by August 25, 2012 received by Wednesday, August 29, 2012. No copies, facsimiles or reproductions of Entry Information will be accepted.
FIVE schools (through random draw) will win $10,000 each!
Ends August 25, 2012
Does anyone use FourSquare? I don’t know anything about it.
Thanks Kids In Need Foundation
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