How do you make math fun? I have found that making anything a race or competition is a golden key! The competition doesn’t have to pit student against student. VersaTiles is perfect for student self competitions!
The VersaTiles Math Starter Kit is full of resources for your specified grade level…
8 Student Activity Books
1 Answer Case
Teacher’s Resource Guide
Wrap all of this in a durable plastic zipper notebook for easy storage!
Are you new to VersaTiles? Looking at the VersaTiles answer case is a bit confusing, although the process is quite simple. Given a numbered problem, students place the number of the problem into the correct answer space. Once all questions are complete, close the answer case, flip it over, open and compare to the pictured puzzle in the book. If the puzzle matches, all are correct.
The ETA hand2mind video explains a bit better than I can.
What I really like about this program is the immediate feedback students receive and they can see exactly which item they missed. Reviewing the question allows the student to reteach themselves….SCORE!
Given that only one student can use your ONE kit at a time, we all know they will talk trash with each other about doing the assignment faster. You KNOW they will! SCORE #2!
ETA hand2mind produces a VersaTiles in language arts and science too….SCORE #3! Based on my use of the math starter kit, my money is on any VersaTiles product! Teachers are penniless, therefore, ETA hand2mind offers a low price guarantee….SCORE #4.
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