Does your school need a facelift? Maybe a facelift for the teacher’s lounge? The paint could be furnished by True Value, but you’ll have to con the PTO into actually painting…LOL. Okay, you might have to do it yourself unless your persuasive skills are a horse of different color.
Initial Qualifying Criteria:
- The school must be a public, private or parochial school in a community served by a True Value Company retail identity (True Value, Grand Rental Station, Taylor Rental, Just Ask Rental, Home & Garden Showplace, Party Central, and Induserve Supply)
- The school must serve children in any grade between kindergarten and grade 12
- The school must need 40 gallons or less of paint, in one of the colors offered through the program. Review available colors in the Color Selection Guide.
If you get through that criteria for this Evaluation Criteria:
- Does the school serve a low-income population or operate in an under served community?
- What is the condition of the school building and how long has it been since the proposed area of the school has been painted?
- Has the school identified other resources that, when added to a paint grant, will multiply the impact of a paint grant overall?
- Do included “before” photos adequately indicate the real need for paint?
Deadline: DON’T KNOW YET
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