Crayons are NOT created equally as teachers are well aware. That is indeed the case with the Tombow Tokyo Collection Yo-i Crayon set. At first glance, the Yo-i Crayon reminded me of a rocket.

Have you ever tried to take a picture of a window in order to see what picture is drawn with crayons? Talk about horrible. The only way to see what was done is to hold something solid on the outside of the window in order to take the picture from inside. My 7 year old helper tried, but our pictures of our window picture were horrible. You’re just going to have to take my word that these Yo-i Crayons are great on glass. Clean up is a breeze!

My 7 year old helper has been asking me for the past few weeks if I’m famous because of Penniless Teacher blog. Despite my negative responses, she insists I must be! Coloring, she asked for one of those pretty little cards with my name on them….aka a business card. I was then presented with this.

7 year old: Penny, why do you get cool stuff and then we can’t keep it?
Penny: We always give everything to the teachers at your school.
7 year old: Yes, but can we PLEASE keep these?
Penny: Why should we keep the Yo-i Crayons?
7 year old: Because I’m an artist and I NEED these really good crayons!
There you have it folks, an artists endorsement of the Yo-i Crayons which has more weight than regular old Penny from Penniless Teacher.
Tombow is currently having a sale on the Tokyo Collection that you should take advantage of. If the rest of the collection is as good as the crayons, you will not be disappointed! There are some snazzy looking products to choose from!

LOTS of ways to win with TOMBOW this week!
First, check out the Tombow Back to School Blog Hop where you will see the most adorable craft projects along with the opportunity to win a variety of Tombow Craft products.
Second, the Tombow Back to School Pin It to Win Contest on the Tombow Facebook page.
- Create a #BacktoSchool Wishlist Board and pin the Tombow Tokyo Collection products you would like to win
Third: Tombow is giving away a set of Yo-i Crayons to a Penniless Teacher fan!
- Requirements: Must be a currently employed K-12 classroom teacher
- Enter on behalf of a teacher and we’ll ship the prize to the teacher’s school address.
- Ends Aug 14, 2014 at 11:59pm ET
- Enter DAILY for more chances
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