Is your school one of the 10 selected for this voting round for Apperson Gives Back? The school with the most UNIQUE votes wins! Unique means from the most different e-mail addresses, AKA, one vote per e-mail address. Voting ends Feb 24, 2012.
If your school is selected, post it here (in the comments) so we can help you win. Solicit everyone you know to the vote for your school using, Facebook, Twitter, emails, school and classroom newsletters, contact your local media (TV, Radio), advertise on the school marquee, or the local bank marquee. In other words–Rally the Troups!
If your school is selected, post it here (in the comments) so we can help you win. Solicit everyone you know to the vote for your school using, Facebook, Twitter, emails, school and classroom newsletters, contact your local media (TV, Radio), advertise on the school marquee, or the local bank marquee. In other words–Rally the Troups!
If your school isn’t a winner, you can try again during the next round.
- 1st place: $1,500
- 2nd place: $750
- 3rd place: $500
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