We spend most of the day on our feet. Eventually something has to give because your feet just can’t take it anymore. Off you go in search of the absolute BEST pair of shoes you can find to give yourself relief.
Many, many years ago, I became a fan of Naturalizer shoes because the shoes felt just as good on my feet at the end of the day as they did at the beginning. I am so excited to partner with Naturalizer to bring you their new @Work collection of shoes.
After spending all day on your feet, you begin to make concessions AWAY from those adorable heels and flats with no support. The Naturalizer @work collection is exactly what the doctor would order (if you went to the doc–we know you don’t).
Leather uppers in a pump style shoe allow your feet to breath. Padding everywhere, from the collar around the shoe to the ortholite removable comfort foam insole to the oil/slip resistant sole…these babies will not leave you with dogs barking louder than you’d like.
We decided to put our @work shoes to a test with teachers volunteering to wear them for the day. As we only had one pair, our requirement was the size of the shoe we had.

Our physical education teacher usually styling in her trusty tennis shoes: “I felt like a woman with these shoes on and could still do everything I normally do with the students. I was afraid the soles would be slippery during my lunch duty….these were fantastic!”
It’s no wonder Naturalizer partnered with Ortholite to create these AMAZING shoes with patented multi-density foam insoles that deliver long-lasting cushioning, breathability, moisture management and antimicrobial function. Conforming to the foot gives the wearer a custom fit every time.
The @work collection was created specifically for women in industries where they are on their feet all day, teachers are the ideal candidate. Celebrating Teacher Appreciation week, Naturalizer is giving away a pair of the @work collection to a teacher fan of Penniless Teacher.
Enter daily through the many methods below. Be sure to thank Naturalizer for this soleful giveaway on social media!
Ends Sunday, May 8, 2016
Winner announced, May 9, 2016
Mon/Tue/Wed: Tell us about a time at work where you wish you would have worn a more comfortable pair of shoes!
As a newbie, and trying to look fashionable, after 25 years, fashion… what’s that?
During gym!
If I had these comfy shoes I would be able to go the whole day without being grumpy because my feet hurt at the end of the day.
The day I had to chase a runner!!! I wear comfortable shoes every day now!
I proctored the SATs this year, and my feet were begging me for comfy shoes.
There’s nothing worse than wearing uncomfortable shoes following a long weekend of running!
The day the Art teacher decided to do a “nature HIke” and I was in heels
On every field trip!!!!
I need them this week as I give standardized tests to my students!
The day that I had to sub for phy. ed!
Comfy shoes keep me happy, sore feet = grumpy teacher
Today running off my feet
A comfy pair of shoes would realllllly help when I have to make 4000 laps around my room during testing!
Wore uncomfortable shoes during a fifth grade culmination handing out diplomas to 100+ students.
About an hour before the school day is done. Having better shoes would help me have more energy to work out after school.
During state standardized testing, I sure wish I would have worn a more comfortable pair of shoes. The test took forever and my feet were hurting.
When your feet are comfortable, you are happy
When I am comfortable and my feet are not hurting, I am such a happier person. My students love a happy teacher.
Every work shift that I put in 5 plus miles of walking! I wish I had a comfortable shoe that’s helps with my feet!
Tues/Thur: As teachers, we know you go above and beyond each day for your students. Tell us how owning a pair of comfy would help make your day better.
Comfortable shoes for keeping up with my children!!!
Comfortable shoes make me feel so much better