If you’ve been here on Penniless Teacher for a while, you have seen posts about TeacherLists.com. I cannot say enough good things about the program. Teachers nationwide are receiving free supplies for their classroom daily. Like what? Elmer’s glue sticks, Wet Ones, Westcott Scissors, Bounty Paper Towels, Mr. Clean Erasers, Mead and Five Star paper products and Kleenex! Like this if you use those products in your classroom.
FIVE schools will win $1,000 to be used to purchase items on teacher wish lists! Eligible schools must create and share at least 10 new or updated lists for teachers currently employed at the school.
1. If you are already on TeacherLists, update an existing list, or create a new list then share through the pop-up box once your list is complete.
2. If you are NEW to TeacherLists, create and share a new list. See How it Works HERE
Although I am no longer employed as a teacher, I do work with a school creating teacher wish and supply lists. Teachers are thrilled to add new items to their lists and share the lists with parents. You’ll be surprised what comes in your door once you have introduced TeacherLists to your classroom parents.
Ready to get started?
Ends Dec 6, 2013
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