TONS of teacher contests, giveaways, sweepstakes and grants are ending this month. Instead of me trying to constantly compile new lists for you, the labels (tags) I use show you what is coming up any time you want to know. How?
Look at the nav bar at the top of Penniless Teacher Blog, place your mouse over the “Expiring Dates” title–months are listed through the end of 2012. I’m going to have to start adding 2013 soon! Select the Sept 2012—VIOLA–all items expiring in Sept 2012 appear before your eyes. MAGIC! This view shows you each post expiring in Sept. 12, listed most recent post date first to oldest post date…lots of scrolling.
I found this super cool tool called “Table of Contents.” Again, look at the nav bar at the top of Penniless Teacher blog, click “Table of Contents,” I LOVE this view! Scroll down to “Sept. 2012” and click it. Ta-Da–again magically before your eyes are all items expiring in Sept. 2012. This view lists items alphabetically.
These two views are available anytime you want to check. However, I’m still not completely satisfied with either as a quick reference for everyone. I decided to add a reference to all post titles to make this process easier. Have you noticed something like this at the end of post titles lately–(X 9/30/12)? This reference means, the item expires (X), Sept 30, 2012 (9/30/12).
Please take a few minutes to look at the “Table of Contents” view. You’ll find alphabetical listing for Giveaways, Daily, Weekly Giveaways, Monthly Giveaways and many other useful lists of previous Penniless Teacher posts.
You will not see a round-up listing items expiring, but I will remind you to use the tools available on the blog to make all of our lives easier. I would love to find a searchable database (FREE) to make Penniless Teacher posts more user friendly, but I’m still looking. If you know of one, Please share with me!
There are more features on Penniless Teacher Features that will guide you. I know many of use use that “Daily” sort….well, daily! I love to see that. What other views do you use, or may would like to see?
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