The description of Super Schnoz and the Gates of Smell sounds like a fantastic book to pull those boys into.
“Andy Whiffler is your average eleven-year-old boy. . . except that his nose is so big he can use it to fly and his sense of smell is a hundred thousand times stronger than any human. In the first book of this hilarious new series, Andy moves to a new school and is instantly picked on because of the size of his nose. But when his classmates discover how powerful his nose is, they decide he is more of a comic book hero than a nerd”
We all have something about ourselves we hate. Me? I have super straight hair that is baby fine. I can’t do anything with it. I HATE it! BUT, I have learned what I can and cannot do, just as we all must face our faults and live with them.
Albert Whitman & Company will select 25 entries to reward with a hardcover copy of Super Schnoz and the Gates of Smell.
Ends Sep 30, 2013
Open to U.S. and Canada
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