Summer Reading Programs earn students prizes, aka books! Teachers and schools win prizes as well. Check out this LONG list of programs!
We’re still waiting news from some programs to provide updated information for 2015. These programs are listed at the bottom of the list with 2014 information. Updates will be posted as soon as we receive releases from the sponsors. Please let us know if there are programs we’ve left off our list.
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Half Price Books
We’ve been informed by Half Price Books there will be a 2015 component for high school students this year. We’re eagerly awaiting program reveal.
Feed Your Brain Ends July 31, 2015
Students read at least 15 minutes each day for June and July. Upon completion of 300 minutes, turn in completed log to earn HPB Bookworm Bucks.
Barnes & Noble
Imagination’s Destination Summer Reading May19 – Sept 7, 2015
Students read and record eight books in the Imagination’s Destination Reading Journal. Take the completed journal to local B&N to receive a FREE reading adventure book from the list on the back of the journal.
Book Adventure –
Free program offered by Sylvan Learning. Student in grades K-8 can search for books, read them offline, come back to take quiz to earn prizes for reading success.
Chuck E. Cheese’s –
Reading Rewards
Mark off each day read for two weeks on chart. Redeem completed 2 week chart for 10 FREE tokens. This is a YEAR-ROUND program!

New York Times Summer Reading Contest –
Ends Aug 15, 2014
Love that the New York Times is bringing newspapers into the reading for teenagers ages 13-19. Every week from June 12 to August 14, teenagers are invited to choose any piece in The New York Times and write about why it interested them. The Learning Network Blog on The New York Times will determine the weekly winners. Any teenager anywhere in the WORLD is encouraged to enter. Winners will be published in The New York Times.
PBS Kids Summer Reading Camp –
PBS and offer everything needed to host 10 weeks of reading camp. Weekly themes include Bugs, Heroes, Reading Quest, Animal Antics, Make Music, Dragons & Dinos, Play Outside, Get Wet!, Sports & Games and World of Words. TONS of resources!

Pizza Hut BookIt! Read Your Heart Out
Kicks off June 22, 2015
Students submit entry after reading five books for drawing for one of 50 prize packages. Oodles of tools for parents and teachers.
Public Libraries –
Check your local public library, many have amazing summer programs for kids sponsored by local merchants.
Scholastic Summer Challenge – Power Up & Read
Ends Sept 4, 2015
Students log their reading minutes and earn rewards. Students can participate individually or as part of their school. The school that logs the most minutes reading will get a visit from the author of the Captain Underpants series.
Showcase Cinemas
Bookworm Wednesdays
July 8 – July 29, 2015
Students earn FREE admission to Wednesday movies with a book report! Movies begin at 10am at most locations. Check with your location to be sure you don’t miss out.
Movie Line-up
July 8: Rio 2
July 15: Penguins of Madagasgar
July 22: How to Train Your Dragon 2
July 29: Annie
Information HERE
TD Bank Summer Reading Program
June 1- Aug 31, 2015
Students K-5 read 10 books record on the RD Summer Reading Form. Return the form to your local branch where $10 will be deposited to a new or existing Young Saver account.
2014 Programs that have not announced 2015 programs.
We’re waiting to hear from them.
American Girl –
Ends Aug 26, 2014
Select locations will feature in-store Summer Reading Bookmark crafts. May 1 through August 26, American Girl will donate $1 from every book purchased through American Girl to Save the Children’s US Literacy Program.
Ends June 20, 2014
Download free comics daily to get that reluctant reader moving. Upon completion, add the titles to any of these summer reading programs proving to your readers that comic books do count as reading. Register for daily reminders of downloads. Ends June 20, 2014

HEBuddy Summer Reading Club –
Students read and log 10 books. Mail in the reading log to receive a FREE reading t-shirt. Form must be received by Oct 1, 2014.

Pottery Barn Kids –
Ends July 17, 2014
After students attend FIVE FREE story times on Tuesdays at 11:00am, kids receive a free gift. Students who read ALL of the books on the list receive a FREE book.

Soar with Reading
Ends Aug 31, 2014
Sponsored by Jet Blue and Random House books
Visit site daily for clues as to where Jack and Annie are traveling. Each correct guess donates a book to a needy child. Then enter to win a Jet Blue Vacation for up to four people and a Magic Tree House boxed set.
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