Have you ever heard of SLANT?
I had not heard of it until this school year and now I can’t live without it!!
We tell our students “PAY ATTENTION!” but so many teachers don’t teach child what PAYING ATTENTION looks like! I know I had my classroom standards, but when a whole team or a whole school starts using the same thing, the results are wonderful!
SLANT stands for ~
- Sit Up {Feet under seat, back straight, hands on your desk without playing with anything, etc.}
- Lean Forward {It shows you are interested in the lesson.}
- Act Attentive {Smile, be open to learn something new}
- Nod Head {This non-verbal clue shows you understand the lesson}
- Track the Teacher {Follow the teacher with your eyes as she moves around the room.}
I am so excited about getting back into the routine of school! Day one we will be role playing and working on SLANT! I will recite and repeat it before each lesson. We were very successful with it last year! The children sit up, they pay attention, they put their pencils down, all without the teacher losing her energy, losing control, losing the flow of the lesson..it really works. After about a week all I’ll have to say is, “Please SLANT” ~ it’ll be great! Try it, you will ?love? it!
I’m Fern from Fern Smith’s Classroom Ideas and I’m delighted to have had a chance to be your guest blogger today! Thank you Penny! I would ?love? it if you come follow me too!
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