This week is a great week to stock up on copy paper at Staples. If you purchase the maximum quantities for the rebates, you’ll take home a total 24 reams of paper FREE! Scenarios for each item:

$26.99 – $17 Easy Rebate = $9.99
Print COUPON to make it FREE after rebate.
Note, you will pay $17 plus tax. Submit rebate at stapleseasyrebate online
Limit FOUR rebates per household

$7.99 – $4 easy rebate = $3.99
Print COUPON to make it FREE after rebate
Note you will pay $3.99 plus tax. Submit rebate at stapleseasyrebate online
Limit FOUR rebates per household

$14.99 – $14.99 easy rebate
FREE after rebate
Note you will pay $14.99 plus tax. Submit rebate at stapleseasyrebate online
Limit TWO rebates per household
I always grab these to give to the teachers because what teacher can EVER have enough plain white paper?
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