We Are Teachers and DreamWorks Pictures is sending one high school class (grades 9-12) to Washington DC for a private screening of Lincoln (the movie). The details of the contest are very specific, I have copied the information below.
One grand prize winning classroom will receive:
- A class trip to Washington DC through the Close Up Foundation for up to 20 students and 2 chaperones
- A private screening of the movie “Lincoln” at your school
- A “Lincoln” classroom library
- A signed “Lincoln” movie poster
9 runners up will receive:
- A set of class tickets to see the movie “Lincoln”
- A “Lincoln” classroom library
- A signed “Lincoln” movie poster
When have your high school students stood tall for something they believed in? What brave things do they admire or pledge to do in their own lives?
Step 1: Sign up to participate
Step 2: Create a Pinterest Board titled Stand Tall “One Brave Thing” Pinterest Contest, and pin our contest pin to it
Step 3: Each individual student and you, the teacher, should contribute one pin with the hashtag #OneBraveThing to your class board that illustrates:
One Brave Thing students have done as individuals
One Brave Thing they’ve seen in their homes, schools, or communities
One Brave Thing from history that has inspired them
One Brave Thing they pledge to do
Step 4: Look for announcement of the finalists
Step 5: Rally votes for the Grand Prize!
Ends Nov 26, 2012
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