Guest Post
Contributed by: Katie Jones
Well friends, you have waited and the time has come. I told you all about some of the projects I got funded {remember?} Now it’s time for me to share some tips to help YOU get a project funded. I haven’t gone into detail about how to register. If you don’t already have an account, you need to go to Sign up as a teacher and follow the simple steps. If you need help with this, let me know. I’ll help you 🙂
Tip #1:
Be honest and speak from the heart: Real people are going on the website and searching for projects to donate to. You want to reach them and inspire them. Do your research on your school district and school and find out what is unique about it. Don’t be shy when describing the challenges your students face.
Tip #2:
Check out the grant opportunities: Did you know Donor’s Choose offers grants?? I was using the website for over 2 months before I discovered this.
- Go to the main page
- Click “announcements” on the far right
- Click on “check out our current grant funding opportunities”
You can then click on your state and see what types of grants are being offered. When coming up with a project, I usually check this area out and see if I could use any resources that would fit in these categories. It is very helpful because most of them offer 50% funding. The 50% funding is applied immediately. It usually takes 1-2 weeks to qualify for the grant, but once qualified – the 50% donation shows up on your project.
5-Minute Health & Nutrition Activity Box |
I got these activities (and some other games) through a grant to promote nutrition and physical activity in the classroom.
Tip #3:
Be reasonable. Don’t try to get $1,000 of materials donated at one time on your first try. It {probably} won’t happen. Has it happened? Yes. Is it likely? No.
Tip #4:
With that said, the smaller the project the more likely it will get funded. I’ve learned to split up big projects into smaller ones. For example, I did two different projects, both asking for an iPod touch. {I got both.} I usually aim for $100 in resources when I’m shopping, which is the minimum you can request. When Donor’s Choose adds on the additional fees, it will be about $160. Yes, it’s small – but it adds up. My small projects are typically funded within 2-4 weeks.
Tip #5:
Stay involved with Donor’s Choose Facebook page. Many times they will announce when there are offer codes to give to family/friends. When people donate under an offer code, their donation is doubled. I’ll try to keep you updated if I hear of a new offer code. Side note: I just went to the Facebook page, and found this adorable video a class made to say thank you:
Tip 6:
Go into detail: The website prompts you to go into detail about how you will use the item and they are serious. Remember, most of the people who donate are not teachers. Help them understand the importance of your project by using words they understand. I have my mom read a lot of my proposals. If it makes sense to her, I know I’m good to go 🙂 haha
Tip 7:
Be thoughtful with your thank yous: When you get a project funded, don’t skimp on the thank you package. I usually give my students guidelines and have them write the thank yous during a center one day. We talk about the item first and I give my students opportunities to use it before writing the thank yous. I had my students write a few sentences about the item we received and why we like it. I always have them write a “personal” sentence or two. For example, a student might tell the donor to have a great weekend and do something fun. Then tell the donor they are excited to go to the park. They don’t give out personal information, but I want the donor to get a sense of who my kids are.
{Plus, sometimes they turn out funny and I’m sure the donor’s love to get a good laugh. Lowes Hotel donated to one of my products and a student wrote something along the lines of “What is Lowes Hotel? I have never heard of this. Do you know the Marriot Hotel? I went there one time. Are you like the Marriot? If you are, then tell me and I will visit you.” I was cracking up.}
Along with the students notes, I usually include a thank you CARD from myself. I don’t get an expensive one (I’m all about the $1 cards at Target.) I think the donor’s like to get a personal thank you from the teacher. I’ve occasionally included pictures too. I have had a few donors come back and donate again after receiving our thank you packages. [Penny side note: VistaPrint periodically has sales with free items, you simply pay shipping. I’ll let you know when there is a good sale.]
Tip 8:
SPREAD THE WORD: Tell your friends and family. You never know who might donate, even $5. It all adds up. Post it on facebook. Phone a friend. Get with it 🙂 {I might add….. I’ve only had one family member actually donate to me, but I still believe in this tip. This website is still fairly small and the more people who know about it, the more donations that will occur.}
Tip 9:
Be patient. Sometimes the projects just take time to get funded. I have found projects typically get funded closer to the expiration date. (The website tends to put projects closer to expiring at the top of the list.) Because of this, I usually put my projects on the site for 30 days. A 5 month project will probably get funded, it will just take forever. I am not patient. HaHa.
Tip 10: Have you heard of this website? If you request technology, then Donor’s Choose will post your project on this website as well. It’s a shopping points website. You shop online, get points, and can spend the points to “wow” projects. As more people shop online, the website funds projects with the most votes. I really can’t explain this website, because it’s super confusing to me. All I know is that I got a digital camera, printing station, and ink funded because of them. So, I like them 🙂 [Penny sidenote: I’m trying to find out more info because Katie is correct, it is confusing!]
Did I make any sense? Did I confuse you more? I hope I gave you some ideas/suggestions you can use. PLEASE don’t hesitate to ask me if you have any questions. Feel free to take a look at some of my projects:
You can go ahead and submit your projects NOW. If funded over the summer, Donor’s Choose will hold of on shipment until August (or whenever you go back.) Who wants a Christmas at school when you go back? I’m excited for mine!!
Penny sidenote: Katie has great tips and is happy to guide you through Donors Choose–take her up on it! Seriously! Penniless Teacher posts grants, click the “Table of Contents” for grants listed by: Grants, MonthYr, and Level.
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