Students grades Pre-K – 1 draw a picture showing where they think Fly Guy and Buzz should go exploring next and what they might discover there.
Entries must be received by Feb 12, 2013
Grand prize:
- Science Field trip for winner’s class up to $1,000 value.
Ten Runners Up:
- 2 Fly Guy Libraries, one for the classroom, one for home
- $50 worth of art supplies
Students grades K-1 draw a picture of themselves at the circus.
Grand prize winner receives
- One-day-in-school circus experience and a class set of Skippyjon Jones Books
TEN Runners Up receive
- Class set of Skippyjon Jones books
- “Circus in a Box” with supplies for a classroon circus party
Ends Feb 15, 2013
Students Pre-K-8 submit an entry expressing the statement, “I Love to Read!” FIVE categories:
- Art
- Essay
- Poetry
- Video
- Other Media
One winner in each category will receive
- $10,000 for him/herself
- $10,000 for the winner’s school to be used for literacy-based improvement within the school
Ends 3/1/13
Place an order from ANY Scholastic Book Club by Feb 28, 2013 OR drop a postcard with teacher’s name, grade level, school name, address and telephone to:
Red Apple February Monthly Moment
P.O. Box 714
New York, NY 10013-0714
TEN Random winners receive
- 100 books
- Class set of “I Love to Read” tote bags
Author Steve Sheinkin, “Lincoln’s Grave Robbers”
Author Gordon Korman, “Ungifted”
Must place a Book Club order that includes the author’s book, or mail postcard to enter.
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