How many #teachers have experienced the squinting student, discussed with the parent, only to find that money is an issue? I resorted to keeping my old glasses for students to use. Even going so far as giving the pair off my face to a student for testing. Turned out to be one of the most rewarding things I did as a teacher. This student came to me for years to borrow my glasses!
If you wear glasses or have someone in your family, you know that those little buggers are expensive. There are many programs to obtain glasses for students. Sight for Students is a VSP Charity Program founded in 1997 that has helped over 50,000 children receive a free exam and glasses.
This is one program every #educator should have at their finger tips. Share with your Principal, Asst. Principal, counselor and all teachers in your building.
Do you know of another FREE program helping students with an exam and/or glasses? Please tell us! I know the Lions Club is a fantastic community source.
Sight for Students Link
#classroom, #education
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