Do you know what time it is?
The time in the school year that germs are everywhere.
Unless you live as the bubble teacher, you (and your students) can’t avoid the germs. As a teacher, how do you stress the importance of hand washing to cut down on the possibility of spreading the germs? There isn’t enough soap and water (or sanitizer) on the planet to STOP the spread of the germs if proper measures aren’t taught and stressed.
School Health sent us the GlitterBug Delux Kit that physically SHOWS students if they are doing a good job washing their hands. Our little testers were awestruck!
First, apply “Germ Potion” to hands (you’ll hear lots of groans and ewe, yuck!) Perfect because they know how icky germs are.
Wash those hands. I’ve always heard and adhered to singing “Happy Birthday” as the timer to let you know that you are finished washing your hands.
Here comes the KILLER part!
The kit comes with a kid friendly GlowBar lamp. Students place their hands under the light, to see the nasty places germs hide if proper techniques are not performed.
You will hear even more moans/groans along with declarations of GROSS, etc! This system drives home the concrete concept of what happens if hands are not washed adequately.
Driving home your lesson of spreading germs, justifies to everyone the importance of hand washing. This GlitterBug Delux Kit will live on in the minds of students for a lifetime.
Our scientific GlitterBug Delux Kit lesson, experiment and investigation resulted in substantially more time spent washing hands with ALL students in our test classroom. Students excitedly relayed the lesson to parents and siblings, launching family discussions to establish proper hand washing techniques at home.
POW! BAM!! SCORE!!! GlitterBug Delux Kit is desperately needed in every single classroom nationwide!
School Health has excellent resources HERE.
Sponsored post from School Health.
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