As a media specialist, I had a love/hate relationship with the @Scholastic Book Fair. I loved the excitement leading up to the book fair. I loved opening those cases to see the beautiful new books. I took stacks home with me to read so I could tell the students and teachers about them the next day. I hated the crowds of parents and students every day before and after school. I hated doing the paperwork and having that much cash around. I loved implementing Teacher Wish Lists because teachers received almost every book they asked for from parents and students.
I could go on and on with this love hate relationship.
This is book fair season. Tell your successful book fair story held between May 2013 and Dec 2013. Winning elementary Book Fair Coordinators will receive a credit of 2,000 Scholastic Dollars and an author visit from Lauren Tarshis.
MIDDLE SCHOOLS, grades 6-8 Prize:
Credit of 2,000 Scholastic Dollars and an author visit from Brandon Mull, author of the new series Spirit Animals.
Keep these contests in mind for your spring fairs as well because more contests coming for those dates.
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