“What can I do with all of it?”
1. Have a garage sale. If you have the time it takes to host a garage sale you can turn your “trash” into treasure. You can make several hundred dollars in just one sale! Plan at least a week in advance so you have enough time to price your goodies, make signs, and advertise. The best day for your sale is Friday or Saturday. Set realistic prices for a quick sale. Put like items together on tables. Finally, don’t forget to include the kids. They will be more willing to part with toys if they can keep the money from the sale of them.
2. Donate your goods and do some good. We have a local, non-profit 501 (c) (3), thrift store that gives their proceeds to the local public schools. Last year, A+ Thrift Store for Education gave the 7 local public schools on our island over $8,000 EACH by reselling donated goods from our community. This is a win-win situation; I don’t have time for a garage sale so I drop off my goods. WIN for me! The money raised goes right back to my children’s school and that is one less fund raiser we have to do. WIN for our school!

3. Donate your clothes to Schoola and raise money for your school. This national, on-line organization will send you a bag at no cost, you fill it up and send it back at no cost, and part of the proceeds from the sale goes to the school of your choice. You can also purchase used clothing, shipped free, and your proceeds go to the school of your choice.
These are a few ideas for purging your closets. What other suggestions do you have?
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