I’m always trying to improve something here on Penniless Teacher. I stumbled across this new Giveaway Widget and want to take it on a test run. I would appreciate your input. I’ve added two entry options:
1. Subscribe to Penniless Teacher Daily e-mail
2. An open text to give your opinion about this new giveaway. Do you like it better than Rafflecopter? Worse? No difference?
3. Anything else you want to tell me
If you use a mobile devise, tablet, phone, etc, would you please give those a try as well.
I already see several items I am partial to:
1. I can customize the times of the giveaway. Big Plus for me!
2. Uploading a picture of the giveaway item. I WISH I could give you all the Space Shuttle in the picture. We went to ROLL OUT of the last Endeavor mission where I snapped the picture.
3. More entry options
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