2 Grand Prizes
A $30,000 grant from Sports Aurhority to be used to improve the school’s health and nutrition programs.
A new playground from Playworld Systems
Total Approximate retail value of each Grand Prize: $42,029
One grand prize drawing will be from among all eligible entries. The second grand prize drawing will be from among all eligible entries whose schools qualify for title I Schoolwide Program.
Runner-up Prizes:
3 lucky schools will receive a $5,000 grant from Sports Authority to be used to improve the school’s health and nutrition program.
Enter once per day/per email through Jan 31, 2012 (5pm EST). There are 104 days until that day–gather all the parents/kids to vote, that could add up in a hurry! Then cross your fingers and toes!
Good Luck!
Source: Energy Balance 101
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