As you’re all heading back to school this time of year, there is an organization in your own school (or most schools) that will help teachers get items needed for their classrooms. Be it the PTA or PTO, most schools have a parent group available to help.
The parent/teacher groups are as individual as each school. I’m always surprised at the vast sums of money the organizations can generate for one school. Don’t be shy, get to be REALLY good friends with the board at your school. The function of the group is to support the school.
Members of your school community can enter many of the contests/giveaways posted on Penniless Teacher. Then, if you need votes or likes in a contest or giveaway, you have your own private cheering squad working with you to achieve your goal for additional classroom items.
If you’re in California, the state PTA organization has a Pin to Win contest where FOUR winners will receive a $100 prize pack. Pin three resources from resources or marketing your PTA.
Ends Sept 1, 2014
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