Are you the owner of a student loan? Rarely does anyone exit college/university without a student loan. Teachers have an especially difficult time repaying student loans because we are in the top percentile of salaries nationwide 🙂 Teachers in disadvantaged schools were once eligible for loan forgiveness. Is that still the case?
Like this post if you would like to win $25,000 toward your education loans! TWELVE winners will receive $25,000 this year to pay down Sallie Mae serviced school loans. One entry covers you for the entire year!
Create an account with SallieMae. If you already have an account, log in, open the My Account page, edit your contact information page, then click the radio button that you would like to enter the sweepstakes.
Earn multiple entries by agreeing to receive correspondences and special offers. Other entries are available by enrolling in the Sallie Mae online billing service and for paying a payment online.
Check the requirements carefully as SallieMae is very specific.
Random drawings are held the last day of each month of 2014!
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