You must all enter to win this game. I won it a while back from Patch and have to tell you what a fantastic game this is. The boat is like a scale where players add penguins to balance the boat.
The first few games we played didn’t last very long (as in 2 penguins), but once everyone had the hang of counter balance, we did pretty dag, gone good! Each time the game is played, bolder moves are made, like placing the penguins in the multiple crow’s nests and on the masts as well.
This is the FIRST game out as soon as the kiddos come in. Getting adults involved adds to the fun….kids are much better because their hands are smaller!
When the boat finally tips, all participants yell “Don’t Rock the Boat!” Your students will LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this game!
Ends Dec 23, 2012 at 11:59pm ET.
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I have a question…it probably has a simple answer that I haven’t figured out yet. When I used to click on the enter link it would take me right to the contest…now on your pages that doesn’t work anymore. What am I doing wrong?
Hi Lisa,
I just tried and they must have issues because it isn’t working for me either.
The link does take me to the Patch Facebook page app. If you are using a mobile devise, the Facebook apps do not usually work.
Have you tried on a laptop or desktop computer?