Let’s talk pets in the classroom. Does your school allow pets? Do you have pets in your classroom? What is your pet? How do you use the pet as a teaching tool? What happens to the pet for the summer?
I’m guessing many schools do not allow pets. Mine did not. Although, I did have caterpillars to butterflies one year. I have seen many arguments against pets….allergies, more work piled onto your already crammed schedule and many more.
Check this out. The authors of a soon to be published book, “One Million Frogs” is giving away a Wild Creations EcoAquarium and a surprise gift.
Now, here is one pet that most people do not have allergies to! Your students will be mezmerized by the antics of the frogs in this EcoAquarium.
Super easy Rafflecopter entry on the One Million Frogs Facebook page. Simply like the page to be eligible. Be sure to tell the guys Penniless Teacher sent you.
Ends May 28, 2013
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