The Office Depot is accepting onling grant applications for middle school teachers through Oct. 30. Kids in Need Teacher Grants are awarded in amounts from $100 to $500, and are offered through a partnership between The Office Depot Star Teacher Program and The Office Depot Foundation.
Purpose of Grants: to fund projects that make creative use of common teaching aids, approach curriculum from an imaginative angle, or tie nontraditional concepts together for the purpose of illustrating commonalities. Innovation and merit account for 40% of the evaluation.
Eligibility: Certified teachers from the 6-8 grade level teaching in the subject of the project at public, private, charter, or parochial schools within the U.S. Kids In Need currently DOES NOT FUND PRE-SCHOOL nor HOME SCHOOL projects.
Grant Amounts: $100 to $500. We want to be the sole funding agent for your project. In exceptional cases, a grant may be awarded in conjunction with funding from another source. If you are receiving additional funds for this project, please indicate it in the budget section of the application.
Application deadline: October 30, 2011
Star Teacher Enrollment
2011 Kids In Need Teacher Grants Application
Lifted from Kids in Need Teacher Grant Application
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