Like this if you have read The Giver. I LOVE this book! I recommend this to students and parents because of the dialogue the content can open.
I was SO upset when the district I worked for made ALL media specialists place a sticker on the front of the book that parental permission was required to check the book out (I was elementary level). In my opinion, this move was to settle a complaint about the book—-I have absolutely no proof of that!
About a year later, a 6th grade boy told me he wanted to check out the book because his friends at another school recommended it to him. This young man was a pistol in every classroom, but I adored him and his zest. I explained that I would have to contact his parent and watched as he cringed. As the phone is ringing, I’m unsure of the attitude I will encounter. As I introduced myself to his mother, she said, “WHAT did he do NOW?” Explaining that I was calling about a book and telling the mother exactly what transpires, I was surprised that she gave her permission. Encouraging her to read along with her son, she agreed.
Within minutes of calling the classroom to summon the student, he appeared in front of me quite red faced and totally out of breath. “Did you run?” I asked. Head down, he replied “yes.” Losing complete control, I busted out laughing because of his honesty. Have you ever tried to give an overjoyed, jumping student two copies of a book with directions to give one of the books to his mother? To this day, this was the most excited I have ever seen a child over a book!
For the next week, this student was waiting for me when I arrived at school so we could discuss the book. Upon arrival one day, mom and son were waiting. Mom gave me the biggest hug and words of thanks and appreciation for “turning around” the boy who hated books.
Got off track in my enthusiasm….
Mackin is giving away a set of Lois Lowery books. It looks like you have your choice between these two:
- The Giver Quarter
- 5 Gooney Bird Greene Titles
Ends Sep 30, 2013
#Teacher Giveaway
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