I know there are tons of creative teachers out there.
I know there are some OLD computers in schools.
I know one of you can win this contest!
Kingston Technology “Revive Your Computer” Contest. Take a photo of your computer, post your story of WHY your computer needs revived.
Kingston Technology posted on their Facebook page this contest has LOW entries!
- 1st 250GB Xbox Kinect Game System
- 2nd Kindle Fire
- 3rd Kindle Fire
- 4th 256GB Kingston® SSDNowV200 and 32GB Wi-Drive™ (Wireless storage for most of your Apple devices)
- 5th 256GB Kingston SSDNowV200 and 6GB HyperX® Genesis DDR3
- 6th 128GB Kingston SSDNowV200
- 7th 128GB Kingston SSDNowV200
- 8th 32GB Wi-Drive
- 9th 16GB Wi-Drive
- 10th Kingston urDrive USB Flash drive
- 11th Kingston urDrive USB Flash drive
- 12th Kingston urDrive USB Flash drive
Contest ends December 19, 2011
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