Good evening friends and family! Welcome to the latest edition of Irmageddon!
Today we just had two jobs to complete before all is back to normal at the Gordon abode: fix the wooden privacy fence and re-attach the gate. How hard is that?!
Lia: You are hilarious. If you just want to tell us about your day everyday I’d read it 🙂 I’m glad you can see the funny side in this so not funny situation.
It’s HOT!
So not that easy! Dig up split post by digging to China, lift that concrete laden heavy bastard out of the ground, refill hole, re-dig hole with post hole digger, set new post. Mix concrete in a bucket using pool water (because we don’t have running water), dump in hole, fill in the rest of the hole with dirt and stomp the shit out of it until it’s level!!! Now let’s talk about doing all of that in AFRICA HOT weather!!! Don and I were drenched several times over in sweat, even taking several breaks for water and Gatorade, I mean Irma-ade, and still had to keep a towel handy to wipe the drips off of our faces so we could complete the task.
Maehing: Girlfrand… ain’t nobody gonna break into your house.. it’s too HOT! Go stay at Penny’s house in the AC, cause it’s just HOT!
Love your Irmageddon stories!
WAIT! We haven’t even gotten said task halfway done! Now we take the gate off, repair it by cutting new slats, screwing them on, removing old hardware, attaching new hardware, etc etc. Anyway it’s ready to hang first thing in the morning while we let the concrete set.
Mark: I feel like you might be a little warm.
Love your Irma rants. Irmrants.
It’s Africa HOT!
Now we see our neighbor out trying to repair 30 yards of his downed fence, mostly laying in our yard, all by himself! Oh, heck yes! Let’s help a neighbor out! I mean WTH! We’re already stinking, dirty and HOT so at this point, why not! Several hours and many breaks later that fence is standing!!! So, BOOM! Take that IRMA!Cosmetically not so perfect but their dogs are free to run, play, poop and pee in the confines of their own yard safely! DAMN! We’re good!
Heather:It was and still is African HOT today. We got water today but no power yet.WHHHHYYYYYYY?
Everyone surrounding us has it why are always the last street to get power. I want to move
And it’s Africa HOT!
Did I mention that another neighbor pitches in too. We were nearly finished around 4:00 and he drops a bombshell, ” Hey, I got power a little while ago!” I was so excited that I nearly pee’d my pants! I was thinking, OMG! I can’t wait til we’re done and I can check our house! Don and I both head for the house and BOOM! NO Power!!!!!! WTH?!!!!!
Gina: Jenny, I truly enjoyed this post. I can actually visualize everything you were explaining & laughing. Especially you jumping in the dirty pool water. Thanks for sharing.
And by now it’s really AFRICA HOT!!!
I jumped in my pool fully clothed because…I WAS HOT!! No pool pump on for four days and no cares in the world about catching some weird rare disease from an obscure amoeba or bacteria. (See, I did learn some vocabulary words in biology!) It. Was. Awesome!
Amy: Girlfriend Irmagerd! You are funny! Love your Irmageddon stories! Many of my friends have had similar issues with power once neighbors got it, and they didn’t, make sure to call FPL and let them know, it could just be a breaker or fuse on the transformer, that’s happened to two friends so far. Easy fix but if they don’t know they won’t come. Of course then we would still get your Irmalarious stories….
And I was still HOT!
We went to Penny’s for a nice home cooked meal and it was also AWESOME! You see, contrary to popular belief that my sister can’t cook and that is why she is at our house for dinner 5 nights a week, she is quite a good cook but when you’re single it’s just a pain so why wouldn’t she come to our house instead?! The chick has a plan, a brain and a pretty good recipe box. Thanks sis! It was delicioso!
Penny: I’ll go to Publix (it was very bare today) again tomorrow to see what I can find to fix for dinner. Then wash the dishes and launder the stinky smelly clothing items that appear tomorrow night.
It’s Africa HOT!
Thankfully my super awesome sister has running water and power so I took my first hot shower in 5 days!!! Yes, 5 days!!
Now it’s just HOT because I’m clean, it’s dark and I have my oscillating fan pointed right in my face.
So I leave you this evening with a parting thought:
Yes, I filled the oil and gassed up my borrowed generator and am proudly and loudly running it again in the hopes that it wakes the neighbors who actually have power and water.???
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