After 3 days of posting daily updates, Jenny is gaining quite a following. Friends and family wait each night for the Facebook post to arrive in their notifications.
Jenny: If we can’t laugh about this a little then we would all be crying
Irmageddon- Day 3:
September 12, 2017
It’s HOT!
Today’s adventures began with an appetizing bowl of Rice Krispies with cold milk from my fridge that is powered by our neighbor’s generator. I’m so thankful to have friends and family helping us out. I slept really good last night even though it’s HOT! The lulling sound of generators is my new white noise.
It’s HOT!
We headed to Penny’s house with cordless drill to help her get that last piece of plywood from her sliders. Now she has a better breeze….oh, wait! SHE HAS POWER AND WATER NOW TOO!! Seriously jealous but that’s just the way it is around here. Anyway, we picked up a huge amount of tree limbs from her postage stamp of a yard and made a nice 4 foot tall pile of debris. It’s a common sight here. Those piles will stay for about three months before the county can get them all.
Heather:I love your bed time story.
It’s HOT!
Speaking of Brevard County, our county has a pretty darn efficient group of people working for them. They are all working together to make decisions like when schools should open again, what roads to clear first and how to handle yard debris pick up. After learning from Hurricane Matthew last fall they are ON IT!!
Amy:I am loving your posts! You crack me up and right now we al need that. What a breath of ‘fresh’ air you are my friend. Just got my power back last night. Still skinny dipping in pool ? for water though! Hugs HOT momma
So, after getting Penny all set, we headed back home to load up all of our yard trash in Don’s truck and take it directly to the dump since it’s right on the way to mom’s. Mission accomplished! With no line! Last year after hurricane Matthew, the line at the dump was a mile long on any given day for FOUR MONTHS!!!! Anyway, we had a tightly packed truck load of those leaves, branches and limbs that our neighbors donated. Can you believe they never came over to get them back!???
Next, I had to get more gas for the generator. OMG!!! When you finally find a station that has gas you just pull in that loooong line and pray that there will be enough for you when you finally make it to the pumps!!
Anyway, mission accomplished and I charged my phone in my air conditioned car while I waited in line!
It’s HOT!
We arrived at mom’s and immediately raided her fridge for lunch. She even grabbed some Texas beef from her freezer, defrosted it and fried up some burgers for us all! What an awesome mom!
It’s HOT!
We picked up a lot of her yard debris (5 truck loads) and deposited them at the side of her street ready for a crew to pick it up sometime in the next 3 or 4 months. I also did a load of laundry. Whew?was it stinky beyond all stinky smells. Think of soured fruit meeting sneaker odor! Totally disgusting!
Well, as luck would have it mom’s dryer isn’t working so I called on a friend who has power and she let me dry our clothes !! Again! Awesome friends to the rescue!! Anna
Lucretia: Priceless Read??
(truth be told, I slept in my unconditioned house last night after my 16 hour drive to get there!! And was perfectly content to do so)
So thankful ??
PS: maybe we can sing this Hurricane Song to the tune of “Baby It’s Cold Outside”!??
It’s HOT!
Hey! Publix is open on Mi Island today! Got fresh lunch meat and more Gatorade! Yep, drinking copious amounts of Gatorade. I think we should rename it Irma-ade.
It’s HOT!
Well now it’s bed time so I’m off in Mi Island home still with no power or water but my swimming pool served as a bath tub today and I took a skinny-dip bath!!
I’ll cuddle up now—scratch that — I’ll lay spread eagle on my bed with my handy oscillating fan blowing directly on me and catch some shut eye with my super awesome dog, Biscuit. I’m all alone since my husband and kids bailed on me and are staying with my mom or sister since they both have POWER which, of course, translates in Floridian to AIR CONDITIONING!
Good night friends and family….
Oh, did I mention that it’s HOT?!! ????????
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