I cannot tell you how excited I am! I’m going to attend one of THE biggest blogging conferences this week. I’m making plans with other bloggers I communicate with, but have never met to finally meet up with them. Other bloggers who have attended BlogHer in the past tell me it is AMAZING! My goal is to schmooze with as many vendors as possible to convince them that Penniless Teacher has the BEST readers who are very loyal. I’ve also been instructed to take extra luggage because of all of the freebies and giveaways….trust me, you WILL benefit!
I don’t know how much time I’ll actually have to post items for you guys. I have lots scheduled though.
Check the following links for Friday Freebies, monthly and daily giveaways. This is a Google doc where I try to add items as I find them.
Google Doc
Also check the “Giveaway” tab on Penniless Teacher blog to view past posts that appear regularly.
If you are a blogger attending BlogHer, drop me an e-mail so we can meet up.
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#Giveaway #sweepstakes #teachers #education #teaching
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