I was so excited to receive an email from Kay Lindenberg with details and press release about this super cool contest.
“If We Were President” Classroom Contest is sponsored by Pearson and WeAreTeachers. Teachers create a project where students are asked to collaborate on a project to answer one of the following questions if they were elected President of the United States.
- What policies would you change?
- What kind of leader would you be?
- How would you leave your mark?
- What would be important to you?
The finished submitted project can be in any format/medium.
Teachers are given a multitude of resources.
- Pearson’s K-12 Teach the Election 2012
- Online Learning Exchange Election Series
- Classroom Voices
Applications will be accepted beginning Sept. 14, 2012
Deadline to enter: October 18, 2012
Finalists announced: Oct. 30,2012
Voting: Oct 30 – Nov. 9, 2012
Winner Announced Nov. 16, 2012
- An Apple® iPad2™
- $500 worth of Pearson products
- A classroom presidential Inauguration Activity Day Party including:
- President-based activities for the winning class
- Refreshments
- Student prizes and gift bags
- possibly including a visit from past presidents! (according to my super secret source:-)
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