Like this if you have a classroom pet, or would like a classroom pet. Hartz would like to assist you in caring for the current classroom pet, or in acquiring a classroom pet. Upload a photo of your classroom pet or tell Hartz why you would like a classroom pet.
The photo with the most votes will win a $250 American Express gift card and a basket of Hartz products for your classroom pet or to help with the cost of a new pet.
Four runner-ups will receive a $150 American Express gift card and a basket of Hartz goodies.
Penny’s two cents: The contest CLEARLY states “classroom pet” but evidently people are NOT paying attention to that. Of all the images, ONE is a photo of a class asking for a pet. In my opinion, the photos of dog and cats (aka not classroom pets) should be disqualified. I hope Hartz takes that into consideration in this contest. In fact, I think I’ll query Hartz.
Out of curiosity, are you allowed to have a cat or dog as a classroom pet? I was in one school where a classroom assistant raised service dogs. That was the only dog I’ve seen in a school in our area.
Back to the contest: If you enter, feel free to post the link to your photo for votes. I’ll share the request so that it appears on our wall.
Ends Sept 26, 2012
Many of you have contacted me about receiving the PetsMart grant for a classroom pet. This contest could provide essentials for that pet.
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