It’s coming! Common Core State Standards! A few states have already began implementation while it is just around the corner for others. Yes, there are a few states NOT implementing–Texas being one.
Lesson objectives along with documented Common Core alignment are at the forefront of each lesson. All lessons are structured with:
- Talking points
- Solve It
- More Ideas
- Formative Assessment
Teachers are also provided with cautionary errors or troubles that students may experience. LOVE THIS!
Black line masters are so difficult to maintain a neat and orderly orderly appearance. I know I would pull one out, make copies and stick it back in the book where-ever I opened the book/binder with the intentions of organizing later. Sound familiar?
No need for any of that mess. ETA hand2mind houses the masters online so all you have to do is print what you need! Ta-Da!! Easy Peasy!
Check out the interactive preview of Hands-On-Standards at ETA hand2mind.
Like this if you would like your very own personal copy of Hands-On-Standards.
Ends Jan 6, 2013 at 12:00am ET
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