Just in time to prepare for Dental Health month, Tom’s of Maine is offering a FREE “Brushing Fun” coloring and activity book.
For each download of the coloring and activity book, 10 tubes of Wicked Cool toothpaste to Oral Health America. Call your local dentist to rope him/her into coming in to chat with your class about dental health.
Now for the contest:
Tom’s of Maine® Dental Health for All® Sweepstakes
Upload a coloring book page completed by your child through Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Enter daily for a chance to win:
- $100 Utrecht Art Store gift card
- Suite of Tom’s of Maine products
FIVE winners in total, once for each of the following dates:
- January 28, 2014
- February 4, 2014
- February 11, 2014
- February 18, 2014
- February 25, 2014
FREE Download HERE
FREE Dental Health Coloring Book
See on Scoop.it – Education Matters – (tech and non-tech) Blog post at Penniless Teacher: Teacher Freebies