Caring for a pet is a rewarding, challenging and filled with life lessons. Although not everyone is blessed to have a pet in their family, classroom pets can teach the same lessons. Ahhh, but there is nothing like owning a cat or dog. Growing up in the country afforded us relationships with many cats and two dogs that owned us! Pets are family members, they welcome you home with excitement they stay close when you’re feeling down or sick, play with enthusiasm—I could go on forever.
We Are Teachers and IFAW (International Fund for Animal Welfare) are giving teachers a FREE disc set of the new Cats, Dogs and Us video and print resources. These puppies (hehe) are correlated to the Common Core State Standards and include documentation! Yippee!
I must say that I was in tears over the video, not over animal cruelty, rather over the relationships the video creates with the viewer and the life of animals creating the perfect intro to concepts presented in the education pack. Trust me, students will oh, ah, smile and laugh watching the video. Me? I cry at the slightest tug on my heart!
If you are just itching to get your hands on the resources, download grade specific content and WeAreTeachers will donate $1 to IFAW!
This would be a perfect unit to kick off a food drive for your local shelter! I just know they would love the donation and welcome students for a tour or even present in the classroom.
Never underestimate the unconditional love and companionship of a dog or cat (or any pet). Like this if you agree.
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