First, I must apologize to Fellowes.
This post was scheduled for yesterday and I just realized I placed the incorrect date in my auto scheduler. I messed up 🙁
One of the number one items needed by teachers is a laminator. Teachers laminate everything. Why? We need our items to last as long as possible. Laminating adds many years to the life of items used every day in classrooms across the world.
Fellowes sent us the Saturn 2 laminator to test drive. We had a BIG problem. All of our teacher testers wanted to test drive. The portability of the Saturn 2 allowed many teachers in our school to house (and use) the laminator. At the end of each teacher’s turn, the Saturn 2 was passed to the next teacher. Again, the portability is phenomenal allowing the teacher to send the laminator via student messenger (what would we do with out them?).
The Saturn 2 never got hot to the touch. The heat is contained within the laminator.
EASE, EASE, EASE—teachers laminated a variety of products from a single sheet of paper to HEAVY card stock. Not one person experienced any difficulty or jamming.
Many teachers commented on the release lever located on the back of the Saturn 2 allowing the perfect placement of the item to be laminated.
All of our teacher testers tried to talk me into letting them keep the laminator. Guessing there will be a few purchases.
The Fellowes Saturn 2 is the ideal laminator for classroom teachers. Although we only performed HOT laminating, the Saturn 2 is also capable of cold laminating.
I dare the fire marshall and safety experts to find this little machine a danger to students or teachers. Those guys can take things WAY to far in my book.
Check out ALL of the 2013 Teacher Holiday Gift Guide HERE
We’re already planning ahead for Penniless Teacher 2014 Teacher Gift Guide.
HELP US by letting us know what you would like to see on the gift guide HERE.
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I keep receiving this message when I am trying to post on Fellowes “The message could not be posted to this Wall.”