Below you will find all Facebook Shares for the day. Remember, most of these are day sensitive, so enter ASAP.
Should I keep doing these Facebook summaries?
Some Facebook posts don’t need long explanations like this one crom Cavallo Media Group
Another Raffle? Yes! Enter Now
P.S. 3 Winners will receive a set of Letter Buddies Letter Books (23 Book Set). Great for beginning readers!
Is this not adorable?
Win it Wednesday Learning Express Toys is a Skill Building Prize Pack including Sort and Snap Color Match, Magnetic Wooden Alphabet set, and five Playfoam pods!
Do you live in the Seattle area?
Nominate a teacher for Seattle Heroes in the Classroom!
Ends Dec!
Not sure that you all will be interested in this giveaway, but posting anyway.
BIC Mark-It 36 Days of color. Today Sunset Orange.
SIX will be crowned princesses today!
Simply share the Anderson’s – High School Edition post to be entered to be crowned!
What are you doing for Fire Prevention Week this week? Are the hunky firemen bringing the firetruck for the kiddos? No swooning ladies!
Tell Diane on The Mailbox blog to be entered to win a free book.
Ends Oct. 15, 2012 (midnight)
According to Learning Resources, October is Eat Better, Eat Together Month.
Win this Healthy Helpings MyPlate Activity Mat-nutrition & Human Body by sharing what you do to be sure your family has quality family meals together?
Share on the LEARNING RESOURCES Facebook post.
*** I’m Beautifoal ***
DynaVox Speech and Communication Devices has created some great t-shirts.
Enter to win this Beauti-foal shirt up to 3 times.
Liking the original post on DynaVox
Commenting on the original post on DynaVox
Complete promotion form
Enter here:
Personalizing anything and everything is totally normal these days.
If you would like to win a dozen personalized candy bars wrapped with the design of your choice…
Ends Oct 12 at noon ET!
Answer the trivia question correctly to be entered to win this Squishy Brain Model! I SO want this!
Ends midnight tonight!
Enter here:
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