Enter the largest science competition in the nation, ExploraVision 20th year in conjunction with Toshiba and NSTA. This is one humdinger of a competition that I’m am not even going to begin to paraphrase. Watch the video for more details.
Amazing Prizes:
- First Prize (4 teams): U.S. EE Savings Bond worth $10,000* at maturity for each student
- Second Prize (4 teams): U.S. EE Savings Bond worth $5,000* at maturity for each student
- National Finalists (8 teams): An expense-paid trip to Washington, DC in June for ExploraVision Awards Weekend for each national winning student and his/her parents/guardians
- Regional Winners (24 teams): A Toshiba Camileo™ Camcorder for each student and an awards ceremony for each regional winning team at its school where the team will receive a winner’s banner, plaque and other gifts
- Honorable Mention (500 teams): A unique prize and certificate for each student
- All Participants: A certificate of participation, gift and a special discount on Toshiba computer products for every student whose team submits a complete project
- School submitting the most eligible team projects wins a $1000 tech upgrade from Toshiba!
- The teacher/coach in each grade level with the most eligible teams will receive his or her very own Toshiba Tablet.
Registration deadline: January 31, 2013
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