Although I’m no longer in the classroom, finding things for the classroom is still at the top of my list….does that ever stop? My sister-in-law was telling me how many books she lost last school year. Excited doesn’t cover how she felt as I told her about the FREE Classroom Organizer from Booksource that is a web-based program to maintain, inventory, check in/out books to students. I even volunteered to set it up for her so I could find out more about it. When she returns from her cruise, maybe she’ll let me. Would you turn down this offer?
Do you use Classroom Organizer? You could win $500 in Booksource Bucks….WOW, you could add lots of books to your library with that!
If anyone does use this FREE resource, please post your name and school for NEWBIES to register giving you a referral for the contest. Most referrals by Dec. 31, 2012.
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