Facebook and I (along with many others) have a love/hate relationship.
- I LOVE Facebook because it is easy to post and communicate with all of YOU!
- I HATE Facebook because it is easy to post and communicate with all of YOU!
I could go on and on with two statements having that same double edge meaning, but I won’t. Suffice it to say, Facebook can do what they want. We have to figure out how to make Facebook do what WE want.
I NEVER understood how Facebook decides (and shows) what it “THOUGHT” I wanted to see. If I didn’t want to see the content, I wouldn’t have liked the page! Duh–it is really that simple. Just give me what I have asked for!
Facebook is in the business of making money. Penniless Teacher isn’t! I do make a few pennies by inserting affiliate links in some of my posts, mostly Amazon, but many others. If you purchase anything though the link (not just the item I link to), I receive a few pennies. This is the absolute definition of Penniless. I didn’t start Penniless Teacher to bombard you with advertisements, however, at times it is a necessary evil as I must pay the bills, like the cost of my domain, the cost of hosting my site where I have control (remember when Google shut me down?). I digress.
Back to Facebook. I like my posts from the blog to auto post through a third party software and Facebook does NOT like that at all. Facebook wants me to pay to reach you. Check out this article ad AdAge.com
Facebook has stated:
“We expect organic distribution of an individual page’s posts to gradually decline over time as we continually work to make sure people have a meaningful experience on the site.”
Penny translation: Facebook will not show you my posts unless I start paying. (not going to happen)
“We’re (Facebook) getting to a place where because more people are sharing more things, the best way to get your stuff seen if you’re a business is to pay for it,” he said.
YOU, the subscriber (aka: liker) of a fan page, not just Penniless Teacher, have a couple of options.
1. After liking a page, select the “Get Notification” option. You should be notified when Penniless Teacher posts anything on Facebook.
2. Subscribe to the Daily Penniless Teacher email. This is your best bet. (NO SPAM–promise! I wouldn’t know how to do that anyway)
3. Visit Penniless Teacher on Facebook thereby not relying on your Facebook determined newsfeed.
4. Visit Penniless Teacher Blog regularly
If you have found another way to see what you want to see in your Facebook newsfeed, please share with us.
Facebook and I (along with many others) have a love hate relationship.
I love Facebook because it is easy to post and communicate with all of YOU!.
I HATE Facebook because they make it hard to post and communicate with all of YOU!
I could go on and on with two statements having that same double edge, but I won’t. Suffice it to say, Facebook can do what they want. We have to figure out how to make Facebook do what WE want.
I NEVER understood how Facebook decided (and showed) what it “THOUGHT” I wanted to see. If I didn’t want to see the content, I wouldn’t have liked the page! Duh–it is really that simple. Facebook is in the business of making money. Penniless Teacher isn’t! I do make a few pennies by inserting affiliate links in some of my posts, mostly Amazon, but many others. If you purchase anything though the link (not just the item I link to), I receive a few pennies. This is the absolute definition of Penniless. I didn’t start Penniless Teacher to combard you with advertisements, however, at times it is a necessary evil as I must pay the bills, like the cost of my domain, the cost of hosting my site where I have control (remember when Google shut me down?). I digress.
Back to Facebook. I like my posts from the blog to auto post through a third party and Facebook does NOT like that at all. Facebook wants me to pay to reach you. Check out this article ad AdAge.com
Facebook has stated:
“We expect organic distribution of an individual page’s posts to gradually decline over time as we continually work to make sure people have a meaningful experience on the site.”
Penny translation: Facebook will not show you my posts unless I start paying.
“We’re (Facebook) getting to a place where because more people are sharing more things, the best way to get your stuff seen if you’re a business is to pay for it,” he said.
YOU, the subscriber (aka: liker) of a fan page, not just Penniless Teacher have a couple of options.
1. After liking a page, select the “notification” option. You should be notified when Penniless Teacher posts anything on Facebook.
2. Subscribe to the Daily Penniless Teacher email. This is your best bet. (NO SPAM–promise! I wouldn’t know how to do that anyway)
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