Chase Community Giving will donate $5,000,000 to charities who receive the most votes. These charities must meet eligibility requirements to be included in the list of available nominees.
Our school is not listed, but the PTO/PTA of the school is listed. Let us know in the comments if this is true for you as well. The nominations will be narrowed down to 2,500 charities that will move on to the voting period. Prizes are awarded to the 196 charities with the most votes.
- Grand Prize: $250,000 (most votes)
- Runner-Ups: $100,000 (next 10)
- Runner-Ups: $50,000 (next 35)
- Runner-Ups: $20,000 (next 50)
- Runner-Ups: $10,000 (next 100)
Nominations are accepted through 11:59 July 9, 2012
Charity Acceptance period: August 6 – August 30, 2012
National Voting period: Sept 6 – Sept 19, 2012
Voting may be done at where Chase customers receive 2 votes. Voting on Facebook with bonus entries for sharing, allowing access and others.
Complicated, but WOW, what a payoff! Remember, you are free to post for votes on our wall if you are a finalist. We like to help!!!
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