I was horrified to learn that art programs will be cut from all elementary schools in our area. To me, that is a CRIME!
Crayola in collaboration with the National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP) are accepting applications for the “Creative Leadership Grants. Up to 20 grants of $2,500 AND $1,000 in Crayola products will be awarded. Principal must be a member of NAESP.
Elementary schools are tasked with developing a team of leaders who can infuse creativity throughout the school. First check with your principal for NAESP membership, by forwarding this post to her/him. Come up with a rough plan to dangle the carrot for him/her, because June 20, 2013 will be here before you know it.
Every Early Bird application submitted before midnight on Monday, June 10 will receive a Crayola product Classpack. That alone is worth the application.
Application deadline: June 20, 2013
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