Are you one that MUST have everything match and/or coordinate? Enough so that students and parents notice? Guide them to Capri Designs! There will be NO question as to who owns these products and you don’t have to place you name on them to identify!
Capri Designs sent us a padfolio with a clip board, a dry erase board and GORGEOUS file folders all in the same pattern. The designs are beautiful with more than one you will fall in love with. Our padfolio has become the “take me to lunch” organization. Inside, we have a list of student lunch numbers, who is buying for each day, who is bringing lunch each day, a list of allergies for students, along with emergency contact information. We’ve made the process even easier by laminating (we CAN’T live with a laminator!) each list so a simple wipe at the beginning of the week and we’re ready to roll.
A few weeks into our new process of carrying the padfolio to lunch gave us the perfect testing scenario. The Capri Designs padfolio was “accidently” left at the lunch line, and in the teacher lunch lounge. We made sure the teacher’s name was not written anywhere. Each time we “forgot” the padfolio, it quickly was returned.
Capri Designs has created a PERFECT line of products for teachers! One Penniless Teacher fan will win matching:
padfolio with a clip board
dry erase board
file folders
Check out ALL of the 2013 Teacher Holiday Gift Guide HERE
We’re already planning ahead for Penniless Teacher 2014 Teacher Gift Guide.
HELP US by letting us know what you would like to see on the gift guide HERE.
Be sure to show the love to our sponsors!
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